Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bridesmaid Gift

After all the hard work during your wedding reception, maybe you wanna try to suprise your flower gurl and bridesmaid, a box full of gurl stuff. So...try this on!! I did that for my wedding too and everybody loves them. ;)

Pretty Candy Buffet

We are also in flowers and candy arrangement for parties and functions (i.e corporate, weddings or enagagement). For further information kindly contact sher (0192813689) or just email us at

JUst ASk and We DELIVER...

Happy Birthday Mum!!


While i was browsing through the net, i have come accross this cake done for her mum's birthday. Cute!

Why not try this for your own party!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pretty Cupcakes

These are some of the cupcakes that we offer...

Cupcakes can be also be presented as part of your wedding hantaran, gift for the guest or dessert to be served to your frens and family. There's sooooo many! We'll add more pics soon. At the moment, enjoy the pictures posted!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Syed's BBQ Party

This was a door gift for a BBQ English style party. The theme was Apple Green and White. The wooden box with chocs in it were for adults and lollipops for kids. The big green and white box were for the presents. Everything looked absolutely gorgeous!

My First Post!


This is where I'm supposed to introduce what this is all about. But I think the name says it all!

Anyhoo... we specialize Goody bags, Door gifts and all sorts of gifts, Cakes and Cupcakes, Decorations and many more! (Just ask and we deliver :D )..

We cater for Kids, Teenagers, Adults, Corporate and many mores! *winks*